I have been in healthcare supply chain for over 25 years and I have not seen it so disorganized and disappointing as it is today.  There is a desperate, urgent need for leaders to rise up, get rid of the “old school 1980” mentality, and rise to the needs of healthcare and the communities. 

If we don’t do this NOW, the future of healthcare will continue to suffer financially and with lack of innovation.  Healthcare is pulling talent from Amazon, Walmart, Uber, and other talented industries to replace us because our current leaders are NOT mentoring for the future.  HOWEVER, they have no healthcare experience and do not understand the complexity of healthcare influencing and structure.  LET ME DO THAT FOR YOU!  Don’t be passed up for the next promotion because they brought in a genius from Amazon.



Angelique has over 25 years in coaching & training in healthcare supply chain, leadership development, change management, process improvement, employee engagement, employee survey action planning, team motivation, operations, and business management. Her expertise is unmatched and it shows.

Passion & Compassion

Not only must the client have both of these but so must the coach. The client should care so much about their career, their organization, and their current state; that they understand the need for change and understand the price of results. The coach must also be just as passionate about results & outcomes. That is a perfect mix. That is The Bridge Venture.

Strong Traits & Gifts

The coach must have very strong traits. Angelique has traits such as listening, comprehension, emotional intelligence and keen mindset, integrity, passion, compassion, focus, perseverance, diligence, helping attitude, servant’s heart, leadership behaviors, intensity, knowledge, detail & process oriented, and strong character.  These are all of Angelique’s God Given Gifts, Skills, and Talents.

Right Price

I know your time is precious and so is mine, but I also don’t want to kill your bank account. I have been coaching for years and know what is reasonable coaching for everyone.  This is me walking alongside you on your career journey and path, not only will I be your coach/mentor, but also your friend.  This is about investing in your future…period.


I have been in healthcare supply chain for over 25 years.  I started on the supplier/vendor side of the business, went to a primary distributor and worked globally for them.  I moved to the provider side of the business in 2010 and never looked back.  Healthcare NEEDS us as professionals!  They don’t need us to move boxes around.  They need us to setup their clinically integrated supply chain that will drive supplies/services decision-making to a NEW level with clinicians at the table helping with decision, physician/nurse led clinical value analysis committees, supply chain operations personal that understand contract terms and the need for site based clinical value analysis implementations and rounding.  Is your supply chain doing all of this today?  This is how you find MILLION$ for your organization if you do this correctly – you will be a SUPERSTAR!!!

You have to be READY for this journey and all that I will train you in it.  It is going to take you to a level you have not been taught before, it is going to open your eyes to your skills/gifts/talents, and it will show you how to influence your organization to change.

I will need for you to set up a discovery session with me on Zoom to go over your story and what your current supply chain layout is today. This session usually takes 45-60 minutes. This discovery session is FREE! I look forward to working with you. In the meantime, here are my coaching options to think about.

My coaching fee is a flat $200 per hour no matter the complexity, job title, or location. I see a typical investment of $600 for first-time clients.

My customers enjoy flexible models that fit their needs:

  • By The Session – If you just want to buy a coaching session with me when you are in need or when you have time, my coaching session 1-on-1 is $200 per hour.
  • By The Month – If you just want to buy coaching sessions by the month, I offer 1 per week (4 per month) coaching session packages, 1-on-1 with one of me is $650 ($150 savings) per month. 
  • By The Package – If you just want to buy coaching sessions by the package, I offer 4 sessions coaching packages, 1-on-1 with me at $650 ($150 savings) per package and you can use those 4 anytime within a 6 month period. 
  • 6 Month Total Supply Chain Transformation – If you would like to work 1-on-1 with me once a week for an entire 6 months ($4800 value) plus get my BRIDGE leadership development course ($6926 value) THIS IS  YOUR PACKAGE!!! You will have full access to my 7-step strategic sourcing training (12-week program), my analytics program, my CVA program, my strategic plan and unique roadmaps, my project management program for lean operating system, my operations plan, and access to my entire toolkit ($6926 value)!  $9256 ($9396 savings)

As you can see, the package deals are much better!

Click here to Purchase 1:1 Sessions by the Session

Click here to Purchase 1:1 Sessions by the Month

Click here to Purchase a 4-Pack of 1:1 Sessions to use Whenever

Click here to Purchase Total Supply Chain Transformation


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