The largest GAP in any organization or team today is understanding the connection between how one’s actions, tasks, and processes affect others within the organization. In fact, people enter into an organization or team only worried about their direct tasks and processes and of course “what is in it for me (WIIFM)?“. This fact is because they want to perform at their optimal level to prove themselves or how will everything affect them. It is a “one-for-all” mentality.

Then there are the gaps in the connection of communication, processes, systems, and performance in correlation to the VISION of the organization or team. So many gaps, so much need for connection, so much need for a “bridge.” This gap is where CULTURE comes in.


In society, culture in broad terms is the social heritage of a group (organized community or society). It is a pattern of responses discovered, developed, or invented during the group’s history of handling problems which arise from interactions among its members, and between them and their environment. These responses are considered the correct way to perceive, feel, think, and act, and are passed on to the new members through immersion and teaching. Culture determines what is acceptable or unacceptable, important or unimportant, right or wrong, workable or unworkable.

In business or an organization like a club or council, culture illustrates the accepted norms and values and traditional behavior of a group. Some may say “the way a we do things around here.” Culture evolves over time by a set of collective beliefs, values and attitudes just like inside a country. Business culture will encompass as organization’s values, visions, working style, beliefs, and habits.

Culture is a key component in business and has an impact on the strategic direction of the business. Culture influences management, decisions, and all business functions from accounting to production. Business culture is its own unique dimension that includes getting off on the right foot, meetings, negotiation, formalities, social media use, internships and work placements and other elements.

We say that culture is an inexpensive way to attract and retain the most impressive talent in the industry. Of course, wages need to align with industry standards, but many employees will stay with their company if they love it and their boss.

“It’s the way we do things around here…”

Culture is the values, norms, beliefs, decisions, language, attitude, symbols, and most importantly the accepted behaviors of a group of people. Every culture has a DNA, an ethos, a tribal smell. It is a way of life that involves a reward system, practices, tradition, and rituals. Culture is passed from one generation to another through communication, symbolism, teaching /correction, and most importantly IMITATION.

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The 6 main components of culture in any organization are:


Provides guidance about what to preserve and what to change within the organization. The vision should provide a framework to add clarity for a core ideology and envisioned future. Core ideology combines an organization’s core values and core purpose and is the glue that holds together an organization as it changes. Core values are an organization’s essential and enduring beliefs – the values it would hold even if they became a competitive disadvantage; core purpose is the organization’s fundamental reason for being. The second component of the vision framework is the envisioned future. First, a company must identify bold outcome goals; then it should put together meaningful descriptions of what it will mean to achieve them.


Every organization has a unique history — a unique story. And the ability to unearth that history and craft it into a narrative is a core element of culture creation. How was the organization built, what was the main idea to bring it to reality, why was it built the way it was? These are all questions into the story of the organization that helps to build its culture. Funny thing we learned years ago if people knew the story behind why something was done, they were apter actually to want to "do" whatever someone needed them to do because there was a purpose behind it.


Simply put, place "shapes" culture. And there is a tight correlation between personal interactions, performance, and innovation when it comes to the place people have to be, day in and day out. Open architecture is more conducive to certain office behaviors, like collaboration. Place — whether geography, architecture, or aesthetic design — impacts the values and behaviors of people in a workplace. We said that culture was an inexpensive way to attract and retain the most impressive talent in the industry. If you are trying to get them to work for you, the workplace and space are a deciding factor.


What any organization stands for, the philosophy, the reason for being. An organization's values will help to steer the organization, management, and employees in the right direction. Values can set an organization apart from the competition by clarifying its identity and serving as a rallying point for employees and processes. But coming up with strong values—and sticking to them—requires real guts. Anyone can write a list of core values and hang them on a wall. It is when the organization lives and breathes them day in and day out that builds the character of the organization. A company’s values are the core of its culture. While a vision articulates a company’s purpose, values offer a set of guidelines on the behaviors and mindsets needed to achieve that vision.


You've heard "practice what you preach." Be an action taker instead of a talker. Whatever the values of the organization are, they must be reinforced in review criteria and promotion policies, and baked into the operating principles of daily life in the organization. There must be measurable data that shows the values being lived and stitched into every aspect of the organization. Essentially, everyone in the organization must understand and know the values, and then go on to live those values each day inside the organization in everything they do.


People are necessary within your organization culture, period. No organization can build a coherent culture without people who either share its core values or possess the willingness and ability to embrace those values. Everyone must understand and be on board with the values and the new culture. One stray can tear the walls of the new culture to pieces. Motivation to continue the consistency of the culture only lies inside the individual. They have to power to do it or not. Feeling part of a successful team is part of the engagement process. Individuals who feel valued want to contribute to the success of the organization.


We wanted to provide you with some articles about culture published through the year. Check them out by clicking the buttons below, everyone is talking about culture!


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This program I have put together will take any employee and help them understand the concept of connecting company culture to the day-to-day activity of their jobs. It will also innovate any manager or leader to look at their current team, project or process and truly call for change. This will help you get your journey started on the right foot!

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